Architect and Urbanist, Doctor in Social Anthropology and Ethnology
We are living in a world more and more noisy. By noise I understand the dissonance of the world which makes impossible and, it seems to me, without interest, to think it as a part of a whole.
We all feel the desire to make our little voice heard, as if it is or should be unique, and this disharmonic concert of little voices is no longer the voice of the world of men, and no more the reflection of the Music of the Spheres, it is only a gigantic noise in which everyone speaks and no one listens.
Some say that this is the result of the cult of the individual of the modern society. This is a fairly recent phenomenon, the result of the disappearance of the traditional society.
Architecture contributes to this: it is noise, when it should be silence. The contempt for the environment, the chaotic urban planning of our cities where each building must be different because what we seek is above all originality at all costs participates in the noise of the world when we should seek to appease it .
I dream of a house that could blend in its midst until it disappears, leaving to its masters only a pristine place from which to watch the sunrise and sunset, the stars in the dark night, listen to the rustle of trees and of waves of the nearby sea. Silently.
Architect and Urban Planner, graduate of the Ion Mincu Institute of Architecture, Bucharest,Romania,1982
ASSISTANTS - Anne BARRAGAN - Tillia BENOLIEL - Catherine DUSSIEUX - Veronique FRANÇOIS - Helena GALKINA - Sandu HANGAN - Alexandra HOINARESCU - Brigitte JACQUELIN - Sandrine JOURDAIN - Pascale LAIDET - Chloé MACHLINE - Eloide MARCIANO - Michèle MARIE - Laurent de MARTEL - Leia MEGYESI - Iaman NASSER - Christiana PIENESCU - Sara de ROBIEN - Catherine SALMON - Andrei SASU - Shoshana SILBERSTEIN - Hadrian STOIAN - 3D VISUALS Romain BANDY - Geoffrey CERVELLINI - Xauder DAUDIN - Axel HODIN - Alexandre MALIGNAN - MODEL MAKER - Luc AUGUSTIN - Patrick LAURENT - Jacques ZARIFIAN - BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT OFFICER - Asmae BOUALI
Agence Dragan Architecture: du projet urbain a l'architecture d'intérieur
Enteprandre, Apr 2009 / Nr. 229
Symbols and language in sacred christian architecture
R. Dragan, A. Ioan, 1996, The Edwin Mellen Press