biograpy image radu dragan architecture Paris

Architect and Urban Planner, graduate of the Ion Mincu Institute of Architecture, Bucharest,Romania,1982

Logo_l'école des hautes études paris

Doctor in Social Anthropology and Ethnology, EHESS, Paris, France, 1997

Member of the Romanian Order of Architects


team office image radu dragan architecture Paris

ASSISTANTS - Anne BARRAGAN - Tillia BENOLIEL - Catherine DUSSIEUX - Veronique FRANÇOIS - Helena GALKINA - Sandu HANGAN - Alexandra HOINARESCU - Brigitte JACQUELIN - Sandrine JOURDAIN - Pascale LAIDET - Chloé MACHLINE - Eloide MARCIANO - Michèle MARIE - Laurent de MARTEL - Leia MEGYESI - Iaman NASSER - Christiana PIENESCU - Sara de ROBIEN - Catherine SALMON - Andrei SASU - Shoshana SILBERSTEIN - Hadrian STOIAN - 3D VISUALS Romain BANDY - Geoffrey CERVELLINI - Xauder DAUDIN - Axel HODIN - Alexandre MALIGNAN - MODEL MAKER - Luc AUGUSTIN - Patrick LAURENT - Jacques ZARIFIAN - BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT OFFICER - Asmae BOUALI


Interview Radu Dragan Coveted architecture

RADU DRAGAN, Exclusive Interview

COVETED, Juin 2016


year of the dragan article

Year of the Dragan

INTERIOR DESIGN, Jul 2009 / Vol. 6


press ENTREPRANDRE Agence Dragan

Agence Dragan Architecture: du projet urbain a l'architecture d'intérieur

Enteprandre, Apr 2009 / Nr. 229


article Cabinet Dragan Stirbei Center

Cabinet Dragan: Stirbey Center Bucharest

Archi`Texture Batimag, 2009/2010


Symbols and language in sacred christian architecture dragan radu architecture paris

Symbols and language in sacred christian architecture

R. Dragan, A. Ioan, 1996, The Edwin Mellen Press


La représentation de l'espace de la société traditionnel dragan architecture book radu dragan paris

La représentation de l'espace de la société traditionnelle

Radu Dragan, 1999, L`Harmatton


piatra filosofala spatiu spirit si materie in tratatele alchimice de la sfarsitul renasterii 1 fullsize

The Philosopher's Stone Original title:"Piatra filosofala"

Radu Dragan, 2010, PAIDEIA


Arhitectura in spatiul culturii Radu Dragan

Arhitectura in spatiul culturii

Adevarul Literar, 2007 / Nr. 878


Un roman alchimist la Paris Radu Dragan

Un roman alchimist la Paris

TIMPUL, 2010


INTERVIU cu Radu Drăgan _ ArhiForum


